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Welcome to Romney Marsh Pony Club
We aim to ensure the development of young people, through rallies, camps, fun and enjoyment.  We ensure we cater for all ages from lead rein to our Associates, building a strong Romney Marsh team ethos, and having a brilliant social side to our friendly Pony Club
Scroll down to find out more
Welcome to Romney Marsh Pony Club
We aim to ensure the development of young people, through rallies, camps, fun and enjoyment.  We ensure we cater for all ages from lead rein to our Associates, building a strong Romney Marsh team ethos, and having a brilliant social side to our friendly Pony Club
Scroll down to find out more
Welcome to Romney Marsh Pony Club
We aim to ensure the development of young people, through rallies, camps, fun and enjoyment.  We ensure we cater for all ages from lead rein to our Associates, building a strong Romney Marsh team ethos, and having a brilliant social side to our friendly Pony Club
Scroll down to find out more

Welcome to the Romney Marsh branch of The Pony Club

The Romney Marsh Branch was established in 1948 and is part of Pony Club Area 11.   The area drawn from runs from the A21 in the West, South of Hawkhurst down to Rye and out across Romney Marsh.

We aim to ensure the development of young people, through rallies, camps, fun and enjoyment.  We ensure we cater for all ages from lead rein to our Associates, building a strong Romney Marsh team ethos, and having a brilliant social side to our Pony Club. We are immensely proud of the achievements of our members from local shows, PC Championships through to National Shows, with some now on National Squads and competing at very high levels in various disciplines.

We hold rallies and training sessions throughout the year in all disciplines for all age groups. The highlight of the year for many is camp – 5 day residential camp for the seniors and shorter residential camp with parents for the Juniors and non-residential camp mini camp which is open to all members. These are always very popular and hugely enjoyed!

The branch offers the opportunity to compete in the many of the Pony Club disciplines, including: Dressage, Eventing, Show Jumping, Mounted Games and Tetrathlon. Many of our members represent the branch in one or more of these disciplines at interbranch competitions.

Book online to save your spot on rallies, Training & Camps, places fill quickly....