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The main Pony Club have now created standard websites for all Pony Clubs and have asked us to transfer all are information, so from now on you will be directed to the new site and all information on this site will be archived.


Dressage is the harmonious development of the physique and ability of the horse, making it calm, supple, loose and flexible, as well as confident, attentive and keen, thus achieving perfect understanding with its rider.

Dressage is about showing the judge that you can get your pony to do what you want him to do, when you want him to do it.

You and your pony have to follow a set of instructions laid out in the dressage test.

A judge marks the test. They give you a mark out of ten for how well you carry out each instruction. At the end of the test the marks are added up and the winner is the horse and rider with the highest score.

Dressage Anywhere – The Pony Club Online Dressage Championships

Hosted by Dressage Anywhere, The Pony Club Online Dressage Championship gives
the opportunity to all Branch or Centre Members to compete from home or from
their own yard or field by videoing their test.

Please visit the Dressage Anywhere
website for more information

To read more on Pony Club Dressage or view the current Rule Book, click the link below.